Recycling plastic, polymers and TPU

ReUse s.r.l. also recycles thermoplastic polymers: this process involves recovering plastic waste and scrap material and converting them into functional and useful items. The aim of this process is to reduce plastic pollution, decreasing the reliance on raw materials when producing new plastic products. This approach contributes towards preserving resources, while preventing plastics from reaching landfill sites or, inadvertently, the oceans.

Plastics are durable, lightweight materials that are very cheap to produce. They can be moulded to form innumerable different shapes for use in almost limitless applications. Every year about 420 million tonnes of plastic products are manufactured worldwide. Consequently, it is extremely import to reuse, recover and recycle thermoplastic polymers.

ReUse s.r.l. is particularly committed to recovering the following types of thermoplastic polymers:

  • PP-Polypropylene (for example, ice cream tubs and containers for takeaway food);
  • LDPE-Low Density Polyethylene (for example, rubbish bins and bags);
  • PVC-Polyvinyl Chloride (for example, juice or cordial bottles);
  • HDPE-High Density Polypropylene (for example, shampoo or milk bottles);
  • PET-Polyethylene Terephthalate (for example, fruit juice and drinks bottles);
  • TPU-Thermoplastic Polyurethane.

Plastic make take hundreds of years to degrade. The plastic that ends up in the oceans breaks down into tiny pieces that kill around 100,000 marine mammals and millions of sea birds every year.

The simplest method of recycling thermoplastic polymers involves collecting, sorting, grinding, washing, fusing and pelletising the material. The most effective process varies depending on the plastic resin or the type of plastic product.