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Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19th November 2008 – as amended by the Regulation (EU) No. 1357/2014 of the Commission of 18th December 2014, Directive (EU) 2015/1127 of the Commission of 10th July 2015, by the Regulation (EU) No. 2017/997 of the Council of 8th June 2017, by Directive (EU) 2018/851 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30th May 2018 and as rectified by Corrigendum GU (Italian Official Gazette) L 297 of 13.11.2015, page 9 (2015/1127) and the Corrigendum, GU L 42 of 18.2.2017, page 43 (1357/2014) – establishes a series of measures designed to safeguard the environment and human health by preventing or reducing the production of waste materials, the negative effects of production processes and the management of waste materials, reducing the general effects deriving from the use of resources that constitute fundamental elements in the transition to a circular economy and in guaranteeing the long-term competitiveness of the Union, while also ensuring they are used more efficiently.
Thus, the purpose of the Directive is to encourage the Member States of the European Union to move towards a society that aims to avoid generating waste, and that exploits waste material as a resource.
To this end, and with the aim of optimising waste management from an environmental point of view, the community legislative body has drawn up a detailed system of priorities for the disposal of waste materials, where prevention the preferred option, followed by preparation for reuse, recycling, recovery and, finally, disposal.
This is also the thrust of Italian Legislative Decree No. 152/2006 – sometimes erroneously referred to as the Consolidated Environmental Act, or even more erroneously as the Environmental Code – Article 179 of which reiterates the priorities established by the Directive, identifying preventing and reducing the production and dangerousness of waste materials as the primary objective, including through reuse, recovery and recycling, followed by final disposal, which must constitute the residual phase of the waste management process, implemented only once it has been ascertained that is no longer technically or economically possible to recover the materials.
Quite apart from the potential environmental risks, the practice of disposing of waste materials at landfill sites represents, above all, a significant waste of material and energy resources, which might be recovered through intelligent recovery of production scrap.
In particular, ReUse s.r.l. carries put the following activities:
- Recovering, processing and managing scrap material;
- Devulcanising rubber;
- Reuse of rubber compounds;
- Recycling plastic, polymers and TPU